MLM On Facebook - How To Dominate MLM On Facebook CHECK OUT THE COMPLETE POST HERE: CHECK OUT THE FREE FACEBOOK TRAINING: :)PLEASE SHARE ON FACEBOOK, GOOGLE +, & TWITTER:) So you are looking for tips on how to dominate MLM On Facebook, honestly who isn't? Unless you have been living under a rock you are fully aware how powerful it can be building your MLM on Facebook. Is it possible that MLM Facebook Marketing is the key to long term success in this business? Now, if you weren't aware until now how powerful Network Marketing Facebook strategies can be, no worries because you have stumbled upon on of the greatest resources for building a massive Network Marketing business. There are over 1 Billion users on Facebook, think about the possibilities when you start to leverage something that powerful to build your Network Marketing Business . Facebook Network Marketing and MLM Facebook Marketing have taken the industry by storm and it is your turn to cash in on this wave before it is too late! There are some HUGE mistakes that will kill your chances of being successful with MLM on Facebook and we reveal some of them below in this post & video. DON'T Do This On Facebook - MLM Facebook Marketing Suicide Revealed! Here are a few tips that will save you from screwing up your Facebook presence. Read on and check on the video below to avoid MLM Facebook Marketing Suicide: DO NOT SPAM YOUR LINK - We can't be more clear than that. If you go find any 6, 7, or 8 Figure Earner in this industry you will see that none of them post their link on their profile, fan page, or in groups. They also do not send unsolicated links to random people, otherwise known as Spamming. 100 times out of 100 the people spamming are not succeeding. It is an awful strategy do not waste your time. YOUR PRIMARY COMPANY DOES NOT MATTER - Do not put up a Fan Page for your primary company. That has been proven time and time again not to work. Again, you will see that leaders in this industry do not have pages for their primary company, they most likely have a Fan Page branding them as a leader. YOU'RE PRE-LAUNCH OPPORTUNITY DOESN'T MATTER! - If you want to build a long term sustainable business this marketing method does not work. You will sponsor some people but they will be get rich quick seekers and they will leave you as soon as another pre-launch comes out. Also if they is your strategy what will you do in 6 months when you are no longer in pre-launch. We see -pre-launch- plastered all over does not work!!! DON'T BS PEOPLE - People will be able to see through the BS when you post things about how successful you are and claims of how much money you are making. Again, look at the top earners in this industry, the 6, 7, & 8 Figure Earners do not post on their profile and their page how much money they are making. When you do that you are pretty much declaring you are full of it. Check out the video below to hear more typical Facebook Suicide Marketing Tactics and we also share the the best way to build your MLM on Facebook. If you want to get the latest most effective techniques that are working on Facebook now to pull in new recruits like crazy (this lady pulled in 32 new recruits at a $500 buy in, in just 52 Days...all through Facebook)...Go now and watch this free training... CLICK HERE TO WATCH IT: WATCH THE REPLAY OF THIS VIDEO HERE: CHECK OUT OUR BLOG POST HERE: