MLM Email Marketing Bootcamp - Day 3

submitted by LiveForReal on 06/28/16 1

Welcome to Day 3 of the MLM Email Marketing Bootcamp. If you missed the last two posts for the MLM Email Marketing Bootcamp you can check them out here: Day 1 - Day 2 - In today's post & video we are going to share how to turn your email marketing into an ATM Machine that literally spits money at you on demand. Once you have checked out Day 1 & Day 2 of this MLM Email Marketing Bootcamp and you have started building a relationship with your list, the next step is to monetize your list and get some buyers. There are some big mistakes made by online marketers when it comes to Email Marketing. At the end of the day we are in the business of turning a profit, we do that by helping other people but you need to sell things in order to turn a profit and stay in business. BUT people get very desperate when they are trying to make a sale and their emails-blogs turn into a pitch fest and that ends up turning away potential customers. In the video below we cover the RIGHT way to put offers in front of your list without turning them off... MLM Email Marketing Money Secret- Don't Pitch! Recommend, Don't Pitch - Don't start pitching products, make recommendations just like you would for a restaurant or a movie you saw. When we recommend a movie or a restaurant to friends it is more nonchalant and not in their's something like this..."hey are you looking for a good restaurant, we tried out XYZ Restaurant the other night and it had the best appetizers and drink specials, and their happy hour is half prices got to check it out".That's it, nothing to in your face, very much off the cuff. We did share some benefits and reasons why we think they may like the restaurant but that is pretty much it. Now because we have built a relationship with our friends and we have built some trust with them they will most likely check out the restaurant. That is the exact same thing you want to accomplish with your list, build rapport, build trust, make recommendations. Watch a Reply of this video here:

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