Ride Along: JR Smith On Playing With LeBron and Melo

submitted by Drop Studios on 06/27/16 1

With tattoos up to his neck, a stint in China under his belt, experience playing with two of the very best, and a possible championship on the way, there are many reasons why JR Smith is probably the most high profile bench player in the NBA. In this RIDE ALONG, he talks about them all. WATCH NEXT: Ride Along: Myles Turner on Rookie Hazing and Blocking Lebron: bit.ly/1Y9i7zW Subscribe to VICE Sports here: bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-Sports Check out VICE Sports for more: www.vicesports.com Follow VICE Sports here: Facebook: facebook.com/VICESports Twitter: twitter.com/VICESports Instagram: instagram.com/vicesports More videos from the VICE network: www.fb.com/vicevideos

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