Sway SXSW Takeover: The Reminders on Balancing Life as Husband/Wife + Spit a Dope Freestyle

submitted by Drop Studios on 06/26/16 1

Colorado duo, The Reminders, swung by for the umpth time on Sway in the Morning, this time during SXSW in Austin, Texas. If you didn't know, these two spitters also happen to be husband and wife! They opened up about balancing their personal and business lives, telling us about taking their kids on the road and how they deal with wannabe groupies. We couldn't let them leave with out kickin' some bars tho! Watch below and follow @TheReminders on Twitter. Subscribe to our page: bit.ly/SVsBQC TWITTER: twitter.com/RealSway twitter.com/TheHappyHourwHB twitter.com/DJWonder twitter.com/ItsTracyG twitter.com/NickyGeezy twitter.com/NahGeeIsn FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/SwayCalloway WEBSITE: swaysuniverse.com ishootnyc.com Sways Universe, Sway In The Morning, Rap, Hip-Hop, Freestyles, Interviews, Live, Concert, Performances, Actors, Athletes, Singers, Celebrities, Television, FIlm, Shade45, 5 Fingers of Death, i shoot nyc, ishootnyc

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