Misty Stone Says Black Women In the Industry Are Going Unnoticed

submitted by Drop Studios on 06/18/16 1

www.vladtv.com - Misty Stone has had a career most women in her field would envy, but the sad truth is they're simply never given the opportunity to film scenes like she's done over the years. According to Misty, film companies are simply not aware of the great number of Black adult film actresses out and are sticking to a select few, and she is fed up with it all. "Do I think p*** is racist? Absolutely," Misty stated during her recent interview with DJ Vlad. "There are so many opportunities that a lot of the African-American girls just don't get - men and women." She later added "we [Black stars] get hurt when we do the same amount at work but they [White stars] get different opportunities." After mentioning some of the more legendary Black stars in the business, Misty went on to share her experience shooting scenes with pro-Confedrate men. Find out why she didn't turn down the "opportunity" and more up top.

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