Seagulls and Sea birds at Pembrokeshire coast Wales UK ~ My bird website is at google * simbird * simbirdcom Bird photographs, videos, twitter, information, links to RSPB BBCT, help & tips...Simon :-) Description... British wildlife ~ Animals & Insects ~ birds bees butterflies wildlife videos Canon s5 sx1 + telephoto lens / Panasonic SDR 26S 70x zoom camcorder / Philps ToCam webcam My * Birdcam * of wild birds in the garden with sounds ~ songs calls singing birdsong... More nature videos, photos & info at * simbird * or by Simon Knott Cameras used : Canon SX1 IS Powershot HD High Definition or Canon S5 IS HQ High Quality Camcorder used : Panasonic 70x zoom SDR-26S in both HQ and HD Wyre Forest ~ Kidderminster Worcestershire England UK Europe World Planet Earth Universe :-)