In April 2001, A Tyne and Wear Metro train arriving the Gateshead station, follow by a driver's eye view while travelling from the Gateshead station to Central station, via the Queen Elizabeth II Metro Bridge that cross River Tyne. 二零零一年四月,一列Tyne and Wear Metro列車正駛入英國紐卡素的Gateshead車站。隨後,我們登上列車,於車頭的座位拍下一段由Gateshead車站,經橫跨River Tyne的Queen Elizabeth II Metro Bridge到Central Station車站的片段。 This video was taken by a Hi-8 video camera and digitalized in 2009, as a result, the quality of this video clips maybe affected. 本片以Hi-8錄影帶拍攝,並於去年數碼化,因此質素欠佳,敬請原諒。