Call (954) 736-9763 or visit to learn how to date hot guys using psychological techniques and healthy mindsets. Hi, I am Paul Angelo - health and relationship strategy coach for gay men over 40. I help you put together a combination of health and relationship strategy because to be successful in relationships you need to exude higher energy levels and show a healthy mindset. Regardless of your age - eating healthy and staying active keep you young and full of stamina and that alone determines 60% of your success in relationships with other men. But I created this video because I wanted to wish you happy hollidays. So, Eat well, spend time with your family, friends and your partners or boyfriends? And if you dont have a boyfriend, perhaps this is a great opportunity to re evaluate your current health and relationship strategy. So for this reason I introduced the weekly health and dating tips so that you dont make the same mistakes over and over. You don't have to get stood up, waste 10 hours a week on line and be afraid that you end up alone. But to do that you need to replace your "lets see what happens" mindset with a new open mindset. My personal clients are shocked and amazed at the simplicity and power of my health and relationship strategy tips and you will too find them quite effective. Everything starts with baby steps so take your baby step today - enter your email in the box next to the video and see for yourself! Again, Happy Holidays and talk to you soon.