So today I decided to show you a yummy diet plan with easy DIY meals and snacks for a healthy start to the New Year! LET'S GET THIS TO 100,000 LIKES!!! Our video on Cassey's channel!: I'm sooo excited that I could team of with Cassey to bring you this video because, face it, I'm just another lazy teen and she totally motivated me to eat healthier! Realistically, I'm still going to spend fridays nights on Tumblr with a whole pizza, but life is about balance right? These meal ideas are yummy, easy, and quick to make! Oh and they are def not enough food for an entire day so make sure to eat some more goodies along with these ideas. MY CLOTHING!!!!!!!!! Royal Crush: my friend on FACEBOOK? ...stalk my selfies on INSTAGRAM! ...see all my secrets on TWITTER! So If you are still reading this description right now, I want you to know that your lucky number is 15. that is all. oh, and comment: 'cassey is the best' if you see this :)