We've tried many recipes from various 18th century cookbooks, but every now and again one rises above the rest. Today's featured dish is one of these exceptional recipes. It's found in Amelia Simmons' 1796 cookbook, "American Cookery." To purchase the items featured in our video, click here: bit.ly/1N9O0S3 Our Retail Website - www.jas-townsend.com/ Request a print catalog - www.jas-townsend.com/catalog_request.php?osCsid=61e2c3007d4b41f66adb9fafc481ae75 Facebook - www.facebook.com/pages/Jas-Townsend-Son-Inc/111229368921420 Twitter - www.twitter.com/jas_townsend Cooking Blog - www.savoringthepast.net Instagram - instagram.com/jastownsendandson/