Romania DN1 : (Border) Oradea - Cluj Napoca (east) MAP:,21.9238979+to:DN1C&hl=nl&ll=46.77185,23.060303&spn=1.687369,4.22699&sll=46.7528,23.587646&sspn=0.210998,0.528374&geocode=Ffv3zgIdJIZMAQ%3BFYyyzQIdOYhOASmHN0FrhkdGRzFMEpOaUIU6vA%3BFbHWyQIdLrVpAQ&oq=Cluj&t=h&mra=dme&mrsp=2&sz=12&via=1&z=9 A drive from the Hungarian border (close to Oradea), through the Apuseni Mountains (Munții Apuseni), and then finally to Cluj - Napoca. - DN1 means Drum Naţional 1 (National Road 1) - This part of the DN1 is a busy road between two major cities, namely Oradea and Cluj-Napoca. This part of the DN1 shoulded be replaced by Highway in 2009, but this project is very delayed.