A compilation of Puxiao and Sung's very informal video messages to family and friends/classmates during vacations. Viena Austria, Prague Czech, Budapest Hungary, Belgrade Serbia, Osijek Croatia, Belograchik Bulgaria, Bucharest Romania. Prague, Czech Republic 布拉格(捷克) Vienna, Austria 維也納(奥地利) Budapest and Kalosca, Hungary 布達佩斯和考洛喬(匈牙利) Osijek, Croatia 奧西耶克(克羅地亞) Belgrade, Serbia 貝爾格萊德(塞爾維亞) Belograchik, Bulgaria 貝洛格拉其克(保加利亞) Bucharest, Romania 布加勒斯特(罗马尼亚) Iron Gate gorge and the hydroelectric power station between Romania and Serbia 罗马尼亚和塞尔维亚之間的鐵門峽大壩水力發電站