Welcome to Hotel Baron! Hotel and Restaurant Baron is a family business which constantly tries to meet the desires and demands of its customers. Our Hotel is in the middle of Albania and is in an area characterized by a harmony with nature just 3 km outside the center of Tirana. Built in 1997 by preserving the traditional Albanian architecture, Hotel has 4 floors and has 20 rooms which are divided into the following categories: single, double and family-rooms. Our restaurant offers traditional and European cuisine, a kitchen that best expresses the art of tasting. We wish to have the honor to welcome you soon at our premises. Hotel Restaurant Baron in Tirana Albanien Kenge Labe nga Jugu, Shqiperi Tirana Sauk. Rruga Elbasanit 3 Km larg nga TEG qendra me e madhe Tregtare ne Shqiperi. Muzik/Music Live Organizim Dasmash dhe Festash te ndryshme familiare Hotel me Parkim te garantuar dhe gratis Me 20 Dhoma Moderne Bashkohore Te gjitha ambientet jane te Klimatizuara. Stafi komunikon ne Shqip, Anglisht Italisht Gjermanisht Frengjisht. Bashkpunim i ngusht me firmen e njohur me qender ne gjermani "Baron Hotels" ju mirpresim ne Hotel Bar Restaurant Tavern Baron nje kompleks i gjelberuar