Turaida Castle, Sigulda, Latvia 2013.g. (Turaidas pils, Турайдский замок)

submitted by europelmbh on 03/10/16 1

Turaida Castle (Latvian: Turaidas pils, German: Treiden, Treyden, Russian: Турайдский замок; meaning Thor's garden in Livonian) is a recently reconstructed medieval castle in Turaida, in the Vidzeme region of Latvia, on the opposite bank of the Gauja River from Sigulda. Turaida castle dominates the Museum Reserve and is visually, its most impressive element. When seen from the air, or the opposite bank of the river Gauja in Sigulda, Turaida castle rises above the trees like mighty ship built of red brick. The forepart of this imaginative ship is formed by the northern forecastle gate tower. The main tower, which is the highest one, is like a spar in the middle of the ship, and the rear of the ship is the southern forecastle with its tower shaped southern section. Building of the castle was started in 1214 according to directions given by Albert, archibishop of Riga, at the place where previously has stood the wooden castle of Liv leader Kaupo. A "Castellum" type fortress was built and named Fredeland, which translates as "Land of Peace". This name was not popular so the local name "Turaida" has survived until the present day. Improving the defensive system of the castle continued in later centuries -- in the 14th century, the tower shaped southern section was built, at the beginning of 15th century, when fire arms were invented, the semi rounded western tower was built. Along with the fortifications, domestic buildings and living accommodation were erected in the inner yard of the castle. Minor reconstruction work was carried out in 17th century although the castle started to lose its strategic importance. After a fire in 1776 it was not reconstructed and in the course of time it fell into ruins. By the beginning of the 20th century, only separate fragments of the defensive wall and some buildings -- main tower, semi rounded tower and western section, were left. From 1976 regular archeological excavations were carried out, which were followed by restoration and conservation works; as a result the castle has regained part of its earlier shape. Exhibitions about the history of the brick castle and Gauja Livs are available in restored buildings. From the viewing place of the main tower, you can see the unique landscape of picturesque Gauja Gauja valley and the territory of Turaida Museum Reserve. Средневековый Турайдский замок основан в 1214 году по указанию Рижского епископа Алберта. Строительство замка продолжалось вплоть до 16 века. Замок был одной из резиденций Рижского епископа. После распада Ливонского государства - частью собственности поместья Турайда. Во время пожара в 1776 году замок сгорел дотла и не был восстановлен. Во дворе построили жилой дом для владельцев поместья. Романтические развалины привлекали внимание туристов уже в 18 и19 веке. В 1936 году в круглой башне была открыта смотровая площадка. Основательную реставрацию замка начали в 1953 году, а с 1973 году ведутся археологические исследования, реставрация и реконструкция замка, которые продолжались более 25 лет. Теперь Турайдский Средневековый замок включен в комплекс Турайдского музея-заповедника.

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