Marseille, France downtown, marina, MuCEM, Old Town

submitted by europelmbh on 03/09/16 1 We take a stroll through the main section of downtown Marseille and the marina for several hours in a brief look to get a feeling for the place. The Old Town is also a fascinating place to see. Several side streets that are mostly for pedestrians and lined with more shops offer tempting detours. You can easily walk up one for a few blocks, then cross over to the next and return to La Canabière, zigzagging your way along. Walk along the right side of the marina on the Quai du Port, passing many attractive sidewalk restaurants that might tempt you back later. Views of the boats tied up on both sides of the basin to 50 long piers are quite lovely. Total length of this marina section is only 600 meters, very easy and enjoyable. The urban explorer will enjoy various pedestrian lanes here and picturesque staircase streets, with a scatter of neighborhood shops and cafés. There is peaceful and quiet atmosphere in this Old Town, which seems quite safe to walk through during the daytime.

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