Iz pravljice v resničnost dokumentarni film SLO

submitted by europelmbh on 03/09/16 1

Dokumentarni film - Iz pravljice v resničnost. Documentary film - From the fairy tale into reality. Dokumentarfilm - Von Märchen in die Realität. Režija in scenarij, Directed and written by, Regie und geschrieben: Nani Franc Matjašič - 2013. Montaža filma, Fim Editor, Filmmontage: Indy Luka Sternad. Glasba, Music, Musik: Milan Pečovnik Pidži. It has always been my wish to present an individual or an event without covering it in the refine cellophane or with covering the real truth. This is especially true in case of a simple man who achieved something with his good will and love for the honest life. These principles lead me throughout my work creating the documentary movie about the life of the only Slovene country singer Milan Pečovnik – Pidži and his personal, sport and music achievements. Pidži also miraculously discovered the Slovene legend about »King Matjaž« whose image was sculptured by nature throughout thousands of years on the northern rock wall of Peca mountain. In the documentary, the cultural identity touches both characters – Pidži and King Matjaž who are connected and simple people experience them similarly. Different characters from different historic periods have similar live experiences, values that are shown in their strong national consciousness and attitude toward small Slovene men’s rights. Slovenia is at the moment still not aware of what this means for the Slovenian nation. The film has already aired Slovenian TV. Records are already full-length version of the film (60 minutes). The finished to be the end of the year.

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