Let’s promote what is good about Newark, it is a good place to visit. St Mary Magdalene, Newark - Nottinghamshire The video was taken from Beacon Hill, Newark. The Church of St Mary Magadalene, Newark-on-Trent is a parish church in the Church of England in Newark-on-Trent in Nottinghamshire. Promoting My Lovely View Of Newark Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene. It is notable for the tower and the octagonal spire (236 ft. high), the highest in Nottinghamshire. The central piers remain from the previous church, dating from the 11th or 12th century. The upper parts of the tower and spire were completed about 1350; the nave dates from between 1384 and 1393, and the chancel from 1489. The sanctuary is bounded on the south and north by two chantry chapels, the former of which has on one of its panels a remarkable painting from the Dance of Death. There are a few old monuments, and an exceedingly fine brass of the 14th century. There is a hole in the spire which was supposedly made by a musket ball during the Civil War, although there is doubt locally as to the truth of the story. This hole is visible from some parts of the town centre. Newark on Trent, Notts a good place to live, shop and visit. 198 steps to the top of tower for a view. www.facebook.com/laurencegoffnewark/media_set?set=a.10206636093246747.1073742019.1405133581&type=1 The church is Grade I listed by the Department for Culture, Media & Sport as a building of outstanding architectural or historic interest. It is notable for the tower and the octagonal spire (236 ft. high), the highest in Nottinghamshire. The central piers remain from the previous church, dating from the 11th or 12th century. The upper parts of the tower and spire were completed about 1350; the nave dates from between 1384 and 1393, and the chancel from 1489. www.achurchnearyou.com www.facebook.com/NewarkParishChurch Promoted by Laurence Goff 14 The Osiers, Newark Notts NG24 4TP 07794613879My quote - An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. ~ Martin Luther King Jr. Taken by Amateur Photographer Laurence Goff laurencegoff4newark@yahoo.co.uk 07794613879 Newark Resident since 1997 — Printed and promoted by laurencegoff 14 The Osiers Newark Notts NG24 4TP