I Started A New You Tube Please come subscribe . I Am putting longer better tones there and new videos there . Zakaos Tone 2 + V2K ,Radiation ,Tv Blocker + Cancer ,Parasites ,Fungus ,Chem Trail, Breathing & More www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xy-2HGS8vw This is the new Youtube Channel www.youtube.com/channel/UCPTlHgkRNKQN693bu7t6M3Q Visit me @ The Rife Frequency and Vibrational Healing on Facebook.com www.facebook.com/pages/The-Rife-Frequency-and-Vibrational-Healing/529384740467215 This is a Binural Session I put together for people who are being Gang Stalked and targeted by Pyramid triangulation Microwave Weapons ext . The Frequencies are - Stop Masonic Mind Control , Pineal Gland Cleanse , Healing , Repair and Activation . Cell Regenration / Repair , DNA / RNA Repair . Enjoy the healing . Remember to drink lots of water during the session ( Alkaline water or if you do not have that Fiji water is the best bottled water .But you can drink distilled water if you can't find any of the above . After session drink lots of water to flush the toxins out of the system . Run a hot bath after session also . Massage these points every daily for at least 10 - 20 min daily and watch you life , energy and health increase rapidly . When you combine this with frequency healing it is even better for you , your body and soul . This is a frequency you can play at the same time at a lower volume or the same . Just use two media players or a dj Mixing program ext or mixed them and record them and make one wave or mp3 ext . Oh and turn off the Wifi or burn a Cd and try to play from a non internet device ext for best results . This tone specifically blocks out radiation and V2k ext and also is a 14 + compressed tone I made from years of studying the rife and the Government and physiological warfare .They reversed engineered the Rife technology and used it for mind control and to soft kill . .They even banned the sale of Rifes in America . The person who sold my family a rife is in jail for 50 years for the sale of the Rife . Dr Royal Rife created it to heal people and was the creator of the micro biotic telescope ( the first telescope to look into a cell ) and they stole it and tried to keep it from the world . This is the link to down load this tone for free on my drive . Zakaos Tone + V2k SD. Meter Blocker 1 + Body , Mind , Healing Oils and more . drive.google.com/file/d/0B3v3yzNDQFxzbEdmbWhIT09rWVE/view?usp=sharing Detox Bath and Steam healing after Rife binural tone treatments . It is best to do this 2 to 3 times week if your using the Tones frequently and want to see rapid results and healing . Also is is really good to run hot water on the bottom of your feet before the massage . Also after the detox bath massaging these points really help break up built up bacteria ext in the body . To achieve best results with these tones you need to take detox baths twice a week if you using them weekly or after a session . The best detox bath according to Royal Rife after using a Rife . Two cups of backing soda , two cups of Epson salt ( if you do not have it Ionized salt is a good alternative ) a half of a cup of peroxide . Run a hot bath and stay in it at least 20 min . After the bath take a shower with out soap ( do not use soap !!! ) Run hot water ( as hot as you can stand the heat ) on you shoulders and the places were you are infected ext . Then make sure you run hot water on the bottom of you feet in rotation to stimulate all the nerves in your body and to help break up any infection in the body . Allow your self 30 to a hour to do nothing because you will feel faint and sweat a lot and maybe even feel sick .It is also best to do this naked and sweat out the toxins on a towel because you releasing toxins from the body that has been in you for a long time and you do not want to get those toxins on the close you were . That just defeats the purpose of cleansing the body . This is normal and you know your healing and ridding your body of toxins . Refloxoligy Massag points : www.facebook.com/529384740467215/photos/pb.529384740467215.-2207520000.1445980572./953762204696131/?type=3&theater