Want more home workouts like this? Visit FatLossMadeSimple.com/ ! Home Ab Workout - NO Equipment Needed - Male & Female: (Click Show More) Hey Guys And Girls! You can do this workout as many times as you want in a day. It's an ab workout you can do anytime, with just a towel. Wouldn't recommend more than twice in one day. And NEVER do it everyday! This ab workout is hard so you need to give your abs time to develop and working them out everyday will not allow that. Learn 7 odd foods that burn belly fat: bit.ly/17p8Irt David Veras, Certified Fitness Trainer Blog: VerasFitness.com FaceBook: FB.com/VerasFitness Twitter: Twitter.com/VerasFitness Instagram: Instagram.com/VerasFitness Video URL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEnPG_yrtr4&lc4eTF