Filterwolf - BrooklynViaMontmartre

submitted by Product London on 01/17/14 1

A classic film noir tale of love, cigarettes and whisky...

Filmed in a just a night, the piece reflects the characteristic piano loop in the track and its references to Paris and New York in a traditional film noir style with a modern twist. The original idea was to be far more surreal - a greater emphasis on unusual cut-aways to our female lead as our dark hero wanders the night streets, often passing her by, until the finale where they finally meet. However, due to time constraints we had to work with the options open to us - not to mention disaster when the original penultimate location turned out to be closed (thank you Brighton council!) - however everyone involved pulled together and did a fantastic job. Thank you especially to Hannah & Beni who travelled halfway across the country to lend their tremendous dancing skills!

Producter & Director | Andrew Brewer | WhiskasFx
Cast, Dance & Choreography | Paul Bennillick & Hannah Kew
Camera Crew & Technical Directors | Josh Thompson & Liam White | Wigglyline Productions
Costume | Peter Moustache
Hair & Makeup | Alex Spinks

Special Thanks:
Tom Kindell, Will Howell & The Black Dove, Sanj Kumar, Sophie Yesilyurt

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