Highlights: Racing Audi TTs with magnets at 5:45 I lane change into John P. at 13:18 Roger takes out Victor accidentally, though perfectly. at 14:40 Shawn gets turned around and drives into oncoming traffic Scalextric super resistant Super Cars, magless, racing starts at 30:00 at 37:30 Pat gets Alex with a "other lane" joke. :) at 1:02:30 I was driving the wrong car (i.e. not looking at the one I was controlling) and ran a couple other cars off the road before coming off. OOPS! :) A group of local analog racers came to my track, Rainier Raceways, for a night of digital racing fun. This is an hour and a half of that evening, starting a little while after we got going, and ending a little while before we stopped. Except for the stationary view and lack of racing with us, this is almost like being there. :)