How I STOPPED Binge Eating

submitted by iamchattykat on 02/01/16 1

here's the most recent update of how I am doing: I hope this video finds you well. I pray and hope that if you are facing similar challenges that you will be equipped for battle. Do not ever give up. Fight until you're free. Know this: I love you, + God loves you. Even if you don't have an eating disorder, it would really mean a lot to me if you would share this video on Tumblr, Instagram, here on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook + and any other social media. I believe this video can reach lives...not because of myself, but because lots of people are willing to share this for the sake of loving others. :) To boil it down: -do not distract: it will only make the urges stronger -detach emotionally from your urges -do not analyze or try to figure out what "triggered" you to binge Most Important: when the urge to binge comes, view it as neurological "junk" that your brain is firing off. Know that you can do nothing to stop it. Hear what your subcortex is 'saying' but do not act. Allow the thoughts to come- do not reason, rationalize, or distract: LISTEN BUT DO NOT ACT. That is what worked for me. And lots of prayer. Remember that you are not alone, and if you don't succeed try and try again. Never give up. I thought I "failed" hundreds of times. It is only failure if you stop trying. Never stop trying, you WILL break free. GIVEAWAY * I have decided to give 3 books away! 1. be subscribed to my channel 2. ask your parent/guardian if you are under 18 3. "Like" this video & leave a comment/quote/Bible verse to encourage yourself or others to not give up! 4. Follow me on Twitter + Instagram @breelovesbeauty 5. Tweet me @breelovesbeauty #BLBGiveaway { your fave quote + a link to this video } *OR you can click this to Tweet & you will be entered: (or you can tweet this to share it for others :) 6. Post a picture of your favorite inspiring quote (related to this video) to your instagram with the hash tag #BLBGiveaway. **** I will be giving away three copies of Brain Over Binge, and this giveaway will end at the end of the month: July 31. Please feel free to tweet and leave a comment as many times as you would like (PLEASE change up your comment so this video won't get spammed!) You can also enter on Instagram as well. There will be one comment winner, one Twitter winner, and one Instagram winner :) *I am not a medical professional. I am a real girl, who HAD a real eating disorder. And I am here to help real people. I stopped binge eating, and I'm sharing what worked for me, to potentially help you :) my Tumblr:

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