Divine Feminine: Fast Track to Femininity

submitted by niamhcronin on 02/01/16 1

Have we lost our femininity and a part of ourselves in our pursuit to compete in a man’s world? Anaiya Sophia shares how women can regain their authentic feminine power and live in your womanhood without reservation or compromise. SUBSCRIBE NOW - bit.ly/1qIcXi8 **** SHOW SUMMARY******************* Quickly jump to your favorite parts in the interview 0:32 How is Kundalini Yoga related to Womb Wisdom? What is Shakti? Bhakti? Both represent feminine expressions (powerful fire energy) and quiet devotional, longing energy 1:57 Why is it important to understand these feminine energies? Woman have lost their connection to their feminine energies and are more polarized into our masculine energy. Erotic and enticing energies are aspects we have lost. 3:14 Anaiya shares how she got into this womb wisdom of work and Kundalini Yoga. She shares how Kundalini yoga helped her get a meta perspective on her emotions. 6:11 What is primordial energy? Primordial energy is a pre-verbal energy that is very hard to express. Anaiya describes her felt experience of working with energy and how it is part of the mystical path. 10:02 Anaiya explains the dark night of the soul and her first experience with womb energy, which she refers to us as the Holy Sophia. She describes how the energy felt crone, heavy, and ancient mothers. Anaiya describes how this encounter changed her 14:10 What are all the names used to describe this energy? 14:40 What is the womb? The womb is a physical place and a birthing center for physical and non-physical birthing, AND the throne of a woman's power. 15:15 Where is the womb located? Whether you have had a hysterectomy or c-section your womb power is still intact? If you can recognize the loss, you can reclaim the womb power. 17:01 How is the womb connected to the Web of Life? Anaiya describes how woman and their womb's connect and how embodied women get together. 19:09 How woman are connected to the sacred? Which men are connected to this energy? The womb is connected to the Divine Feminine. Women are now pioneering the movement to return to the feminine to birth a new paradigm. 21:06 Women talks about how women are encoded with these feminine energies that can be unlocked or activated by experiences, lovers, etc. These are energies are hidden parts of ourselves that get catalyzed through these transmissions. 23:45 How do Womb Wisdom Transmissions and Mp3 work? Anaiya will tune into these codes and archetypes and then create a meditation that channels that energy to the listener of the mp3. After the listener listens to mp3, Anaiya will repeat the client's name to activate the sound and light body associated with the person, and pray to the Christ lineage that the client will receive this energy in the manner that resonates with the spiritual energy that client relates to (e.g.- Buddha). In addition Anaiya is holding the space for protection from distracting energies. Once the client makes their first connection, the client can navigate to find these energies on their own. 31:18 What is stored in the womb? Anaiya describes how feels are stored in our womb (vs thoughts or visual memories). It's important to clear those feelings out because anything you create (physical and non-physical offspring) will carry this energy. Plus, any man we make love with someone the man's feeling and imprint will still reside in the womb and commingled with a woman's feelings. These combined energies can confuse woman who are not sure if things are her feelings or another man's feelings. One of the transmissions will help woman clear out these energies in the womb (usually cold in temp) by connecting to the feminine in your own self, which activates and warms up the divine feminine, which will start shifting things and helping you shake out energies that aren't yours or unhelpful energies. This is about synching down into the feminine space. When this feminine energy is present, it provides safety for the supportive male energies to do their healing work too. 37:59 How does one approach healing of the womb? The more you heal, the more your body feels comfortable, reliable, mature, settled, stable, like an arm chair. 39:53 What is the womb, throat, and hara lock? According to Yoga philosophy, these locks help us moderate our energy. In Yoga it's about being able to open up these locks like turning on or off a faucet or like a whirlpool. 41:27 Where is a women's power focussed in her body? The womb (not the hara) is where the nexus of our power. 43:11 Why would you want to open up your womb lock? Anaiya uses the womb lock when she is creating sacred space that feels more sobering and a moment of reckoning. 44:14 How is womb energy different than heart energy? Anaiya uses heart space for playful, joyful place. 46:39 How our womb energy and heart connected? Heart is Bhakti devotion, and womb is the anchor to keep on loving. 48:20 What happens once you embrace your Divine Feminine?

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