pissinontheroses.blogspot.com/2013/12/massive-alert-hhs-forces-doomsday.html (c)2013 www.POTRBLOG.com MASSIVE ALERT! Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] Forces Doomsday Prepping on ALL Medicare & Medicaid Providers On 12/27/13 The Department of Health & Human Services will release a 453 page list of regulations requiring ALL Medicare and Medicaid providers to engage in Doomsday prepping. The POTRBLOG team had hoped to shut down for Christmas but we knew that such media dead periods are when most vile government regulations are attempted (the Christmas vacation creation of the Federal Reserve as an example), so we had our eyes open. The Government's rationale for imposing these Doomsday prepping regulations on ALL Medicare and Medicaid providers is Eye Opening TOO: QUOTE------- "Based on our analysis of the written reports, articles, and studies, as well as on our ongoing dialogue with representatives from the federal, state, and local levels and with various stakeholders, we believe that, currently, in the event of a disaster, health care providers and suppliers across the nation would not have the necessary emergency planning and preparation in place to adequately protect the health and safety of their patients. Underlying this problem is the pressing need for a more consistent regulatory approach that would ensure that providers and suppliers nationwide are required to plan for and respond to emergencies and disasters that directly impact patients, residents, clients, participants, and their communities". ------ END QUOTE Of course this is only part of the story, just in time for H7N9 fears, the entire Public Health system is getting a C4ISR overhaul and Federal integration that will make the NSA scandals look like a kindergarten prank. Sources document link available @: pissinontheroses.blogspot.com/2013/12/massive-alert-hhs-forces-doomsday.html