For more information: To read about our functional prototyping: Stratasys provides 3D printing systems that fit every stage of the design process from initial idea to high powered prototypes to full production parts: Stratasys' Idea Series of compact, affordable 3D printers gives designers and engineers the power to discover their design potential through a high quality 3D printed model that can be invented and reinvented at the push of a button. For more info, Mojo line: and uPrint line: Stratasys' Design Series of advanced 3D printing systems can effortlessly simulate the true performance and aesthetic realism of virtually any intended product. For more info, Objet line: and Dimension line: Stratasys' Production Series allows manufacturers and engineers to think beyond the confines of the production line floor and respond instantly to new manufacturing directions, production floor innovations and customization requirements. For more info, Fortus line: