The Abortion Matrix - Chapter 10 : Part 2 - Tearing Down the High Places

submitted by Nicholson1968 Video Wall on 01/01/16 1 Chapter 10 -- Tearing Down the High Places by Eric Holmberg and Jay Rogers 1. Repent of all compromise. Judgment begins in the house of God. We must forsake any and all sin -- particularly of a sexual nature -- that feeds into this holocaust. Complacency, love of ease, materialism, as well as other besetting sins, must all be taken to the cross. 2. Turn and do good. As the Lord leads, support with both your time and finances ministries of mercy that serve as an antidote to abortion and the needs and worldviews that feed into it. That can be anything from supporting an orphanage, an orphan or the chronically poor (abortion, after all is deemed necessary to alleviate the problem of poverty or so-called unwanted children) -- to helping a crisis pregnancy center or an NGO that is defending life or abstinence-based sex-education. There are all manner of ways you can obey God and his clear and oft-repeated commands to seek justice, love mercy, correct oppression, bring justice to the fatherless, and plead the widow's cause. Allow me to mention something here that I trust you won't take in a wrong way. Some of us -- including myself -- did the wrong thing with our unwanted child. If we've truly repented, God has forgiven us. But the simple fact is that we saved ourselves a lot of money by having one less child to raise. (Show a couple walking in to a Crisis Pregnancy center.) Please pray about giving some of that money or your time to support someone who may be struggling financially because they chose the right thing. Or in some other way, overcome the evil you did with good. This isn't something you have to do -- it's something you get to do -- that your joy -- and perhaps your healing -- may be made full. 3. Commit ourselves to the battle for life with the zeal, resolve and understanding commensurate with the challenge before us. We must see abortion for what it is -- the murder of children -- and then live our lives accordingly. How would you have acted if you lived down the road from Auschwitz and saw the trains loaded with people being taken to the ovens? Would you have stood with William Wilberforce and his co-conspirators in their long sacrificial battle to stop slavery in the British Empire? We are never going to see the victory over this magnitude of satanic and entrenched evil if we're not willing to pledge our "lives, fortunes and sacred honor" to the cause. 4. Pray. In both this program as well as in the extras on this DVD we provide you with a lot of spiritual insights as well as practical tools and methodologies to wage an effective war in the spiritual realm. 5. Proclaim, evangelize and disciple. The prime directive the Lord left us with was to disciple nations, teaching them to observe His commands. Sadly, for many today the Great Commission has become the greater "omission." That has to change. We can, we must do this. A lie carries within it the seeds of its own destruction, truth its own victory. Even with the occult revivals, the sexual revolution, the propaganda from the media and Planned Parenthood, the brain-washing from the government school system, all this and much more, most Americans remain sympathetic to the pro-life cause. By simply proclaiming, defending and living out the truth we can and will see the lie exposed and ultimately destroyed. But there are a few things that need to be emphasized here. As in everything, Jesus is our model for personal and cultural transformation. We need to use wisdom and an assortment of apologetical techniques that can range from asking questions and really listening... to strong, prophetic challenges. We must also, like Jesus, strive to minister from a place of love, humility or brokenness and servanthood, ever keeping in mind that the kingdom comes first from within hearts and then spreads from the bottom up, and not from the top down. We must ever be on guard against the deception of "healing the wounds of sin only a little, saying, 'Peace, peace,' when there is no peace." It's all too easy to fall into the trap of thinking you're sufficiently pro-life because you vote or talk that that way or have a pro-life license plate or observe sanctity-of-life Sunday in your church. But child-killing is the greatest moral evil of our time (see point 3 that we just looked at) and ending it demands a level of awareness, rhetoric, and action commensurate with that evil. It can't be just another issue that we lump along with -- and tragically far too often beneath -- AIDS in Africa, poverty, slavery, pornography, the attack on traditional marriage or the environment -- as vital as those issues are.

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