PURCHASE SONG HERE: itunes.apple.com/us/album/ride-for-aids-feat.-alaska/id999417762?i=999418187 &/OR Donate to our fundraising link for the AIDS/LifeCycle Ride at www.tofighthiv.org/goto/willamandalaska Register for the 2016 AIDS/LifeCycle Ride at www.aidslifecycle.org/register and use the code WILLAMALASKA (all caps) to get $30 off the registration fee. Safety First! For safety info while on the ride, please visit www.aidslifecycle.org/training/safety-first.html. www.patreon.com/willam Support me on Patreon for a few bux per video and get perks like early access! iTunes: Link will be coming very soon! Ride for AIDS Willam (www.willambelli.com, www.twitter.com/willambelli, www.instagram.com/noextrai) Alaska (www.alaskathunderfuck.com, www.twitter.com, www.instagram.com/theonlyalaska5000) Directed by: Ryan Parma (www.ryanparma.com, www.twitter.com/ryanparma, www.instagram.com/ryanparma Produced by: Markaholic #RideforAIDS *Note this song is a parody of "Blank Space" by Taylor Swift. Please don't sue us Taylor Swift! It's for charity.