Seminar Series: Preventing Injuries Through Proper Muscle Recruitment

submitted by sandsteelpaul on 12/03/15 1

Presentation at 2:00pm, December 5th 2015. 109 S. Alfred St., Alexandria VA DOWNLOAD A PDF COPY OF THE PRESENTATION HERE: Safer movements, more strength, less pain. There are 8 basic strength movements: the squat, lunge, hinge, push, pull, twist, extension/flexion, and gait. We’ll cover these techniques and discuss the proper form to do them safely. We’ll also discuss various techniques to test muscle function by selecting members from the audience, and demonstrating how to test for proper neural control of muscles, and how to utilize strength training to restore and improve muscle function. 1. Squat- a compound movement using quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gluteus muscles 2. Lunge- movement involving standing with your legs split, utilizing glutes and hip flexors and tibilias anteriorus 3. Hinge- Movement of the pelvis forward and backwards utilizing the glutes. Essential movements for lifting heavy loads and preventing injury. 4. Push- Movement away from the midline of the body. Involves: pectoris and triceps  5. Pull- Movement towards the midline of the body, involves trapezious, rhomboids, biceps, and grip muscles (e.g. brachialis radialis) 6. Flexion/Extension- Flexion is the forward bend of the spine while extension is a backward movement. Exemplary muscles include rectus abdonminus and erector spinae 7. Twist/resist twist- or Lateral flexion involves the isolation of he trunk muscles in a side to side fashion. Transverse abdonminus, obliques, and other core muscle 8. Gait- The biomechical movements of the legs and arms while spinning, walking running etc. Complex Movements: • Thruster = Squat + Press • Snatch = Pull + Hinge + Squat • Kettle Bell Snatch = Pull + Hinge • Burpee= Push, Hinge, Squat • Muscle Up= Pull, Flexion/Extension Other Topic Reviewed: Why are you not improving? Energy Systems: • Creatine Phosphate- Utilized in short term intense activities. Lasting up to 10secs --Very High Power, Very Low ATP produced --i.e. Sprints of 5-15 secs with 3-5mins of rest • Glycolysis- All out exercise lasting 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Uses Glucose to expend energy. Lactic acid builds up easily --High Power, Low ATP production --i.e. 8x :30 sprints with 1min active recovery • Aerobic/ Oxidative- Begins after two minutes --Low Power, Very High ATP production -- 60mins of work at 70-75% maximum HR Paul Roberts Speaking on Preventing Injuries Through Proper Muscle Recruitment

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