On today's Make Your Mark Monday episode @JSBroadbent (John Broadbent) talks about how to market your brand on Twitter. The first thing that should be done in considering a great Twitter marketing strategy is to determine how people are most likely to interact with you. It's good to stay in the habit of asking why people would want to follow your brand. It's rare that people care what a brand has to say about something unless it's news or updates. As "thought leaders" brands are at a disadvantage to the people within their organizations. Great brands will leverage the power of their people. This video provides great tips on how brands can leverage their twitter marketing strategies to have the best possible impact on followers. Follow Netmark on Twitter: twitter.com/netmark Follow John Broadbent on Twitter: twitter.com/JSBroadbent For more information on social media marketing with Netmark.com visit: www.netmark.com/services/social-media-marketing Or contact a social media strategist for a free consultation at: www.netmark.com/contact-us