7 Web Design Mistakes That Will Kill Your Online Sales by Martin Holsinger with YakimaValleyMarketing.com ...and This video will help you discover why content marketing is totally essential for marketing your local business: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tut34wrhBU&feature=share Call: 509-590-2458 Email: Help@YakimaValleyMarketing.com You, just like myself want your website to be working for you. That's what it's there for, right? It's to generate leads and make more sales. Well, I was doing some reading and I came across these seven web design mistakes that kills online sales, and I thought, "Man, I've got to share this with you" #1. No emphasis on headlines. You know what it's like when you go to a website and there's no clear subheadings or sub headlines. There is just a bunch of text and content. You're trying to find your way and you figure out what the main points are. Yeah, that kills sales. Make sure that you have clear headlines and all the way down through your content, all the way through your website. #2. A slow loading site. Now, first of all, Google tracks the speed of your website and it actually ranks your site based on how quickly your site loads. The more important thing is, there are statistics that show how much the click through rate is and how much it drops off based on how long person has to wait for the website to load. Just an increase in two seconds can make a huge difference in the amount of people that are sticking around to buy from you. Make sure that your website loads quickly. #3. B typography and spacing. I don't know if you know what it's like, but I do, to land on a website and the typography is terrible. It's this old out dated text or whatever and the spacing, paragraphs and sentences are all stuck together and it's hard to find. One of the keys to good web design is good white space between the paragraphs and also between the lines. Use a good clear, easy to read font. One of the very best and most salable website designs is black text on a white background. It works. Stick with what works and make sure there's good spacing. #4. No thought to reading patterns. Studies have been done over and over again that prove that we read websites in an F pattern. You know how an F is shaped? We stick to the left hand side of the website. We read across the top. We go down a little bit to another subheading and read over a little bit and down, down, down, and then we're done. That is our reading pattern. Design each page and each piece of content on your website according to those patterns. #5. A confusing navigation. This is so important. When people land on a website and they want to be able to find their information. They want to be able to find answers to their questions. You need to have a menu system or a menu bar that's easy to find the next step in their navigation. Make it easy for them. #6. Relying on the three-click rule. Somebody said that after three clicks, people will leave a website. That's not necessarily true and it's been proven that people will go up to 14 clicks to find what they're looking for. The point is not how many clicks, but the point is making sure that the use-ability of the website is reaching and meeting the goals or the needs of the visitor. #7. Bad spacing on long-landing pages. If you have a long-landing page which as you know, the longer the page, the more qualified the lead if they've read all the way to the bottom, then they are very qualified lead, because they've been reading. Make sure that there's good spacing. Again, this goes back to typography and spacing. Make sure there's good spacing between the paragraphs and subheadings and bullet points on those long-landing pages. Those are seven mistakes that are very common in web design. I just want to offer them to you. If you have any questions about this, please comment, call me or send me an e-mail. I'd love to help you with overcoming these seven deadly mistakes on your website. I'm Martin Holsinger. Take care. Talk to you next time.