en.mycvfactory.com/cv-templates/modern-resume-to-download/ The Dynamic Resume is a good example of a simple resume template that can effectively showcase all your skills and experience with contrasting colors and simple design. Its color palete can atract the readears eyes to what you part of th resume you want to be emphasized. The simple shapes and formatting of the template also makes the resume more interesting and easier to read. Past work experience is laid out in a neat order which helps the reader already have a clear idea to all of your professional experiences. The side bar showcases your skills, educational background, and objectives that can further compliment all your qualifications for the job. The skills displayed on the side are rated graphically, so when your potential employer does a quick scan on your resume, they already have an idea to how good you are at certain skills and how effective you can be in performing tasks. Overall, it’s a unique, creative, and simple resume template that is detailed and straightforward!