#BO4 - Jan 24th & 25th - @PatStay VS @MrDizaster + 18 Epic Battles *Watch the PPV from your phone* www.KOTDTV.com @KingOfTheDot - #WD4 - @CharronKOTD vs @DNA_GTFOH Hosted By: @OrganikHipHop, @GullyTK & @BishopBrigante All KOTD PPVs available at www.KOTDTV.com New Merch at www.KOTDStore.com Now a regular in King of the Dot, DNA was originally not scheduled to make an appearance at World Domination 4. However, due to Shotgun Suge's inability to travel north of the border, DNA was secretly scheduled to take his place. Arriving on stage to thunderous applause, the Queens, NYC battle rapper agreed to take on Charron on only a weeks notice. One of the youngest emcee's to achieve his level of notoriety within battling, DNA got his start over four years ago, jumping in the ring with the likes of Loe Pesci and Rone. Slowly building his stock over the years, DNA successfully branched out into both King of the Dot and URL, and has since taken on opponents such as Dizaster, Big T, and The Saurus. Doing his part to help make World Domination 4 one of the best events of all time, DNA brought one of his best performances to date against challenger Charron. The very definition of homegrown talent, battle rap fans have gotten to witness the evolution of Charron from an awkward, yet talented young battler into the veritable heavy hitter that he has become. Supposed to battle Shotgun Suge for his World Domination 4 match, Charron didn't miss a step when he was told that he would be given DNA instead. No stranger to high profile battles, Charron has been in the ring with veterans such as Arcane, Cruger, and Jonny Storm, and has done nothing but improve as the years have passed. Considered by many to be on the short list for contenders to the title, Charron may have very well solidified his spot with his showing at World Domination 4. Bringing his best bars ever and the performance of a lifetime, Charron redefined exactly what it means to snap on your opponent, revealing in his battle against DNA that he has moved to the next level of his career. Sponsors: Ovo Sound - NWTS Sept 24th www.ovosound.com Universal Battle Realm - www.youtube.com/user/UniversalBattleRealm Notes To Self - www.youtube.com/notestoselfvideo PindDab LTD - www.pindab.com/ Made From King - www.madefromking.com/ Trevor D Custom Jewerly - www.trevor-d.com/ Fantasy Line Session - www.facebook.com/FantsyLineSession Loui Dallas - WWW.IREPRESENT.CA Twisted Mounty - www.twistedmounty.ca Empire Custom - www.empirecustoms.ca/ DJ Andre 905 - www.djandre905.com/ Ten Four Publicity - www.tenfourpublicity.com Bishop Brigante - www.bishopbrigante.com/ TO Battle Blog - www.tobattleblog.com Hip Hop Canada - www.hiphopcanada.com Ephin - www.ephin.com Pound For Pound: www.poundforpound.co @KingOfTheDot - #WD4 - @CharronKOTD vs @DNA_GTFOH Hosted By: @OrganikHipHop, @GullyTK & @BishopBrigante www.KOTDTV.com www.KOTDStore.com www.KingOfTheDot.com www.Facebook.com/KOTDBattles www.instagram/KOTDBattles www.twitter.com/KingOfTheDot www.youtube.com/KingOfTheDot www.youtube.com/GroundZeroBattles www.youtube.com/ProveYoselfBattles www.youtube.com/KOTDMedia FOLLOW THE KOTD TEAM ON TWITTER: @KingOfTheDot @OrganikHipHop @RexKOTD @GullyTK @KingFlyKOTD @DjDoctaKOTD @ScottJacksonBB @RyanPVPKOTD @SketchMenace @ddubbkotd @HommyKOTD @ReverenceNS @Jawn1812 @KenGalloway @PhillyDFilms @seansirianni @Toro1812 @lemme_kno @Malathion01 @AspectOne @JProepsilon @LushOne @AvocadoIsGod @JDSFilms @Mix62 @lasparka604 @elcheapostudios @HipHopVancouver @MistaConspiracy @Areef03 @LifeOverCrime