嚟到愛沙尼亞要試吓佢地啲野味。今日就用鹿肉去整一個經典菜。 如果你鍾意呢個做法記得"like"同訂閱我個頻道啦。多謝。 Estonia is famous for its cuisine on game, so today I'll be making a classic stew using venison. If you like this vid, click "like" and subscribe to my channel. Cheers. 鹿肉600克 - 600g of venison shoulder 紅蘿蔔200克 - 200g of carrots 甜黑啤酒半支 - half a bottle of sweet dark beer 牛肉清湯2杯 - 2 cups of beef stock 水半杯 - half a cup of water 黑胡椒粒1茶匙 - 1tsp of black peppercorns 白胡椒粒1茶匙 - 1tsp of white peppercorns 杜松子1茶匙 - 1tsp of juniper berries 牛油20克 - 20g of butter 小洋蔥約30個 - 30 pearl onions 蒜蓉1茶匙 - 1tsp of chopped garlic 鹽1茶匙 - 1tsp of salt 芝士少許 - grated cheese 蕃荽少許 - chopped parsley Column: columns.classes.com.hk/bob Facebook: www.facebook.com/bobsuruncle Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/homecookhk/ Instagram: instagram.com/bobsyouruncle1981