www.TravelsWithSheila.com Rila Monastery is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site but also one of Bulgaria's most important religious and cultural centers. Originally founded in 927, the monastery managed to preserve Bulgarian culture during the 400 years of Turkish rule. The tower built by Prince Hreylu and old church are all that remains from the Fourteenth Century; everything else was built, burned, rebuilt, burned and finally rebuilt for the last time in the 1800s. Inside the church is a magnificent and large iconostasis that is gilded to the max and it surprised me that Rila doesn't sell postcards and/or photographs that show its exquisite detailing. I'm going to put a link at the end of this video to one of the "Painted Monasteries" in Bucovina and would love feedback on which you think is the most appealing. I vote for Bucovina only because the Biblical frescoes "speak" to me...