Performance at Vesnova Children's Asylum/Belarus

submitted by lastminutebreaks on 10/30/15 1

April 2010: Vesnova children surprised us with spirited performances of song and dance, complete with home made costumes. The setting -- the CCPI volunteer built recreation room at Vesnova. Guests included singer/songwriter Oksana Grigorieva, who entertained the children with her single, "Angel." Eight years ago, CCPI found the dilapidated asylum, home to 150 children with various physical and mental conditions -- all in a shocking state of neglect. Today, your donations have made it possible to establish nursing, therapeutic, educational and recreational programs, as well as to dramatically improve the condition of the building and grounds. But we know that is not enough. Two years ago, Vesnova became the site of Belarus's first independent living program for disabled young adults who would otherwise have "graduated" to an adult asylum where they would live out the rest of their lives. And your donations have made possible our "Homes of Hope" program -- a program that takes children out of orphanages and places them in living homes of their own.

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