What is a soul? Where does it go after it departs this world? What exactly is heaven and hell? Can souls communicate with us from the afterlife? How does reincarnation work? JOURNEY OF THE SOUL will address all of the most poignant questions relating to neshamas and souls. We are confident that you will learn something new, and that you will walk away inspired, enthused, and eager for your life. This video was created to spread awareness for JOURNEY OF THE SOUL, the new 6 week course from the Jewish Learning Institute, with instructor Rabbi Yochanan Posner at Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie. This class is being offered at over 600 JLI affiliate locations, starting in the last week of October 2015. Visit www.myJLI.com to register and to find one in your area! JOURNEY OF THE SOUL is a six-week course that meets once a week. There are several choices at Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie, 4059 Dempster Street Skokie IL 60076. Option 1: Six Sunday mornings, starting October 25, 2015, 10:30am-12:00pm Option 2: Six Sunday evenings, starting October 25, 2015, 7:00pm-8:30pm Option 3: Six Thursday mornings, starting October 29, 2015, 10:30am-12:00pm Option 4: Six Thursday evenings, starting October 29, 2015, 8:00pm-9:30pm Call (847)677-1770 now, for more information or to register, or go to www.myJLI.com. Register and get the basic facts here: www.myjli.com/index.html?task=location&lid=655 Go here to learn about the curriculum: www.myjli.com/index.html?task=courses_detail&cid=1054 Go here to register: www.myjli.com/index.html?task=location&lid=655 This course also provides credits for mental health professionals, and all medical professionals, including doctors and nurses. Contact: Rabbi Yochanan Posner Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie 847 677 1770 ============== A Brett Walkow film : brettwalkow@gmail.com ==============