Blossom the Bat

submitted by Shirley_Burt on 10/29/15 1

Blossom is a rare species of Australian bat who recently came into care following a suspected cat attack. During her time with bat carer Louise Saunders from Bat Conservation & Rescue Qld, little Blossom recovered and was eventually released back into the wild. Blossom was still a baby when she came into care and was fed a nectar mix recipe and the occasional milk formula which is fed to other baby flying foxes. Over time she gradually gained weight and began to practice flying during the night. Often Blossom would dart in and out of rooms and even hover above Louise as she slept before retiring to her little brown bag at dawn. In over 18 years of bat rescues, Louise has never come across a Blossom bat. They are the smallest flying fox in the world and lead very secret lives. When asked about Blossom, Louise stated: 'It was the best bat experience of my life without a doubt and the decision to release her was a terrible one for me, but it was the right decision for Blossom. With banana, banksia, melaleuca and eucalypt flowers, and a whole new family to catch up with I'm sure she won't be missing me like I miss her.' Blossom bats are nectar specialists which feed and groom themselves with the aid of their long tongues. Blossom bats are known to hover in front of flowers as they forage and are important pollinators of many rainforest plants. Blossom bats are currently under threat due to loss of feeding and roosting habitat from clearing of forests for agriculture and housing estates Blossom was released on Macleay Island in Qld, Australia. MEDIA: Images of Blossom are available for download here: Credit: Adam Cox To see more of Louise's work with bats go to Email Facebook: Louise is based in Brisbane, Australia. Special thanks to Bat Conservation & Rescue Qld Inc Music: 'Forest of Faeries' by Gareth Coker✓&term=forest Creatura Facebook: Created by Adam Cox (Creatura Channel) @AdamCox17

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