Hey, look at this, I've come up with an actual topic for once. I had occasion to unsubscribe from a Vlogger's YouTube channel the other day, which prompted me to mention it to you all. Let me know your thoughts and experiences about this one, I'd be very interested. Sorry about the quality of this vid, rendering problems. Thanks for taking the time to watch. If you enjoyed the video please subscribe. If you didn't enjoy the video please leave a comment to let me know how I can make things better. Thanks a lot. All the best. Rob Ash. __ Subscribe to the Rob Ash channel www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Arcanum101ash Instagram instagram.com/robashvlogs/ Pinterest www.pinterest.com/RobAshVlogs/ Twitter twitter.com/RobAshVlogs Google+ plus.google.com/+RobAshMotoVlogs/posts The Rob Ash Website robashvlogs.com/