The Longevity Dividend

submitted by Linda Hall Library on 10/13/15 1

** watch future Linda Hall Library lectures live at ** The Science of Longevity, a Linda Hall Library Foundation Colloquium October 2-3, 2015, in the Linda Hall Library Main Reading Room About the presentation: Genescient is the first biomedical company founded to exploit artificial selection of animal models for longevity. Their extremely long-lived animal models (Drosophila melanogaster) have been developed over 700 generations, creating an ideal system for the study of aging and age-related disease because Drosophila metabolic genetic pathways are highly conserved in humans. To date they have discovered over 100 genomic targets, all related to the primary diseases of aging. The speaker: Gregory Benford is the founder of Genescient in Fountain Valley, California, a biomedical company that’s mission is to extend healthy human lifespan by using advanced genomics to develop therapeutic substances that attack the diseases of aging. He is also Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of California, Irvine. Professor Benford earned his PhD from the University of California, San Diego. Video produced by The VideoWorks of Roeland Park, Kansas.

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