For every episode & more, visit SM&HP Blu-ray/cd 2-Disc set featuring outtakes,commentary, musical soundtrack, Now Available: In life, some achieve great success, while others sink to the bottom like a hefty turd. The business of “Fighting Evil” is no different. Super-Heroes who calmly save the day while glistening in the sun are regarded as role models. Sadly, this particular story is not about such marvels. Welcome to the world of Schnoz-man and HolePunch. Individuals that try do good but have failed at every turn. Although they have plummeted, they’re here to prove that some turds are not so easily flushed. Prepare to get your holes punched and filled with blue goo!! #8 Karl "Uncle Yo" Custer as Jeff Reagan Brooke Kelly as Violet Andre Ferreira as Raposa Brian Burke as Skull Midnight Chap Melford as Mad Scientist Howard Dias as BearClaw Eric Osisek, Kristen Morie, Carolann Voltarel as Ninjatalians Carolann Voltarel as voice of Wonderous Woman "Rise of the Ninjatalians" & instrumental music by JohnRamboPresents "Epic Intro", "Epic Male Techno", "SM&HP Funeral", "Dream World" music by Musaeus Epic Male, News Pages & other logos created and edited to film by the Great Sturmgeist13 SM&HP logo by Mark2bit Schnoz shirt & mystery logo by ihazz3ri I can.. I will..