Skip to: 06:41 for the important info! Whatsup guys? This is a quick recap/precap of October/November, and our announcement for our Halo 4 Giveaway we will be doing! ::More Info Below:: ------------------------- :::Halo 4 Giveaway!:: -We don't have much info on this at the time of posting this video. The only thing we can say for sure is that we are going to give away a copy of Halo 4. Once we determine a method, and decide upon a date, we will release more info. This info will be detailed in future videos, and on our Twitter (, so follow/subscribe to us, and check back for more info. (We will be posting a bulletin via Youtube will any details as well, so there's three avenues for you to stay up to date.) October: -A lot of Borderlands 2. That's pretty much it. A tiny bit of Sleeping Dogs, some Assassin's Creed 3, but October was dominated by Borderlands 2. -Hit 100K total views! -Hit 100 Subs! Thanks to everyone that watched us, and to all of our subscribers! November: -November is going to be dominated by Halo 4. We expect that to be the sole game covered for this month. We might throw in some other stuff here and there just to mix it up a bit, but expect a lot of Halo 4, consistently. -Halo 4 Giveaway! (More Info in the future; check later vids) -250K Views -250 Subs --We will do a giveaway for the above milestones, but expect it to be a bit limited, due to our 'big' giveaway of Halo 4.