Jeff Berwick is interviewed on the IntelliHub radio. He discusses what it means to be a citizen of the world and his views on the current financial situation. The current system is collapsing and the powers that be are trying as hard as they can to keep it together. For the first time in history people are getting more of their news from alternative sources rather than the mainstream media. The Federal Reserve is trying to hold the economy together by printing money which only exacerbates the situation. Visit Jeffs travel blog at Bitcoin could be the an answer for the coming monetary collapse. The Chilean economy is booming and to find out more about Galt's Gulch Chile visit the website Subscribe to TDV's YouTube channels to be alerted of future videos. The Dollar Vigilante: Anarchast: Galt's Gulch Chile: Go to to sign up to receive our free daily blog covering all the facets of protecting your ass and assets during the coming US dollar collapse.