Harthys Pure Care.....This are all my Management/ Treatment......1.).hot Packs & Tens Machine for 20 MInutes, to Vasodilate the Arteries, 2.) MASSAGE ( Blood Pump)..release tightness and tension and spasm of the muscles.. 3.) STRETCHING EXERCISES to correct the Imballance of the Muscles.. 4.) STRENGTHENING EXERCISES( 5 KIlograms wieghts / Gasoline in muscles and Kaliber gun in Brain..) Lsastly The most imporatnt is The( ARWEN ERGOMETER/ Stationary bike.) 2 in 1 watching tv exercises the heart..Direct for the heart Muscles for 1 hour continues no stopping..Well see in Laboratory test" PASADO" SA Labtest..(.NO Operation ,NO Injection ,NO Medicine)..Every seconds count..Prevention is better than Cure...