Midweek Move, Ep. 14: Mini-Trampoline Workout

submitted by Read More About it on 09/02/15 1

Spice up your workout and fit more movement into your day with a mini-trampoline workout! To our female friends with bladder control issues (hey, it happens): Before you get started on the trampoline, gently engage or "seal off" the pelvic floor by doing a gentle kegel and drawing in the low/deep abs. Hold gently while bouncing. Take breaks to relax and then "re-zip" as needed. Check out the following article for more info: femfusionfitness.com/rebounding/ As always, remember: Not all exercises are suitable for all people. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns. Discontinue any movement that causes pain or discomfort. Want more "Midweek Moves?" Sign up for our email newsletter at eepurl.com/gY6Qn! You'll get updates + early access to our "Midweek Move" videos, where I break down my FAVORITE core strengthening moves and show you how to do them SAFELY and EFFECTIVELY. FemFusion Fitness is focused on total core fitness for women, from the pelvic floor and hips on up through the abs, back, and breathing diaphragm. Let's feel strong, sexy, and confident together and have fun "falling in love with movement!" If you like DAILY inspiration and motivation to help you EAT CLEAN and MOVE EVERY DAY, get social with us! Our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/femfusionfitness Our website: www.femfusionfitness.com Our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/femfusionfitness Our Twitter handle: www.twitter.com/FFusionFitness On Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/femfusion

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