Bishop Eddie Long's coronation as king. If you don't want to watch the full 14 min video this is basically what happened in a nutshell with a tad bit of sarcasm to show the people of God how crazy this looks. If one person sitting in New Birth sees this and has a light bulb moment then maybe some good can come of this. *******Don't dislike this video and inbox me if you are disgusted with Eddie Long... I DO NOT CONDONE THIS FOOLISHNESS AND AM NOT ASSOCIATED WITH IT IN ANY WAY.(Plus the kingmaker sealed him in that homemade scroll thingy-He's good!) DO dislike this video if you are offended that I called your Bishop the Lyin' King and exposed this foolishness as the Broadway production that is was. (Ya'll know they practiced this, down to the lighting crew, the 4 men being on standby, etc.)