Testimonies of Dying Going to Hell "I am In the Flames--Pull Me out, Pull Me out!" - www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-3vSBbqBxI "Oh God! I am Damned, I am Damned!" - www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1fuefe2GSU "You Gave Me Nothing to Hold On To." - www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOrcKgnAxas Pastor John Haveman 135 Knowles St. Missoula Montana 406-728-5562 www.odbcmissoula.com/haveman%20sermons.html odbc@odbcmissoula.com. Hell By D.L. Moody www.biblebelievers.com/moody_sermons/m7.html Still Image from The Light of the World - www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcz25mkXl1M Permission to use by Chick Publications. To order video: Chick Publications PO Box 3500 Ontario, Calf. 91761 (909) 987-0071 www.chick.com I want to share the blessing of how God used a Christian broadcast in a hospital room to help prepare a woman's heart for salvation. We had been urgently trying to lead a terminal cancer patient to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Raised a Catholic., she did not believe in a literal hell, and believed the false Catholic dogma ahe had been taught about her good works taking her to heaven. After lapsing into a semi-coma state, Gena was rushed to Cortland Memorial Hospital and administered IVs, which helped her to regain consciousness. My wife and I went to see her. Placed in a private room because of the terminal nature of her disease, she was watching a television broadcast of a sermon and chalk drawings by Peter Ruckman! We were amazed. She watched closely as he drew the three crosses, and talked about how Christ's sacrificial death and prepared the way for those who repent of their sins and place their trust in Him, to go to Heaven. He drew a portrayal of heaven, and talked about it. Then he drew a protrayal of hell, and talked about it. Although Gena did not care for his style of speaking, she was very attentive to his drawing, and her heart was finally opened to what we had been trying to tell her for so many months. I then was able to take my Bible and go through a very thorough presentation of the Gospel once again, and she was gloriously saved. PRAISE THE LORD!! Ten days later, Gena was home with the Lord, after being unconscious almost the rest of her time with us. I am so thankful for this wonderful media ministry. Keep up the good work! Pastor Dennis Grimes SemproniusBaptist Church Sempronius, NY (Broadcast March 7, 2002 - Time Warner Ch. 2, 10:30AM) The Great White Throne Judgment - www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdfjqCAqke8 A Letter from Hell - www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFZ1pt0WX5c Why Preach the Reality of Hell? - www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiUEdt40pUQ Hell - You Don't Have to Go There!! - www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFNvCvf7zXk Ten Ways to Hell. Which One areYou Using? - www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPBJ5hEYb5c