Albert Bates is author of many books including The Biochar Solution, The Post Petroleum Survival Guide and Cookbook, and Climate in Crisis. He is the cofounder of Global Village Institute for Appropriate Technology (which he has headed for 35 years) and the Global Ecovillage Network. He gave this keynote address at Great Lakes Bioneers Chicago's 2nd annual event on November 2, 2013. In this talk, Bates suggests that ecovillages have been making strategic investments in adaptive responses to the climate change that also mitigate the damage by marginally reducing, or even reversing, the transfer of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, including: * Carbon farming * Biochar * Holistic management * Integrated aquaponics and waste remediation * Organic no-till * Keyline management * Remineralization * Soil-food-web microbiology * Agroforestry; and “ Permafuels” for transportation and district heating Great Lakes Bioneers Chicago is a self-organized local affiliate of National Bioneers. For more on National Bioneers, visit: For more about Great Lakes Bioneers Chicago, see