2013 was the second year that Eco-Justice Collaborative produced a Great Lakes Bioneers Chicago Bioneers Network Event. Our theme, “Celebrating Community Resilience” highlighted the incredible resources and opportunities we have for bringing about sustainable practices in the region. For three consecutive days we came together to network and to celebrate innovation and possibilities with our plenary speakers; workshops; and music, poetry and dance. Friday’s workshops were designed to bring together professionals, educators, students and the general public to blend new ideas with proven ones, and to work together to move forward agendas and inclusive polices that not only adapt to the limits of our changing world, but also heal and restore our planet. And yes. There will be a 2014 event. Watch www.bioneerschicago.org for information as it becomes available! Great Lakes Bioneers Chicago is a local, self-organized affiliate of National Bioneers. For more information on National Bioneers, visit www.bioneers.org. To learn more about Eco-Justice Collaborative, visit www.ecojusticecollaborative.org.