A tribute to Dr Albert Ellis, first author on cognitive psychology which later incorporated Behaviorism and evolved into REBT, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Dr Ellis late incorporated Carl Rodgers ideas about Unconditional acceptance and other theories within REBT (I believe they should change the name to REBUT since its main premise is to rebut your irrational beliefs). Dr Aaron T Beck also devolped an cognitive behavior approach which is very similar to Dr Ellis, the two of them learning from and greatly respecting each other. Dr Ellis was known for his vulgarity, "pragmatic atheism" (if there is a God, he/she/it doesn't interfer), pioneer in sex therapy, diagnosis of Ayn Rand and "pure"capitalism, and other controversial topics which hindered his acceptability. Today, he is considered the most influential psychologist by many, voted 2nd by the APA, and called the most influential "living" (since deceased) psychologist by Psychology Today. ABCDE A is something that happens or you imagine or remember B is your irrational beliefs about A, it was horrible, I must, I can't, etc. C is your consequent behavior (both mental and physical) D is to dispute the irrational beliefs that really cause your behavior (C) E is to evalute how you have done and keep replacing the irrational B's until the irrational C's stop happening. p.s. This is quick therapy (typically 6 months for good results). Nothing is perfect; REBT/CBT take the edge off and bring your behavior into balance; it will not make you Buddha. We are all imperfect, f-ed up and will remain so. Still, if the world was educated in REBT, life for all would be a lot better