To continue listening to this show, click the following link: Host:Vic Eliason Guest:Larry DeBruyn "Purpose Driven" author Rick Warren has disseminated teachings that need to come under biblical scrutiny. As pastors are placed in a position of serious responsibility, it is critical that they protect their flocks by evaluating Warren's teachings in light of God's Word. This Crosstalk featured just such a pastor. His name is Larry DeBruyn and he's the Senior Pastor of Franklin Road Baptist Church of Indianapolis, Indiana. He's also the author of the book, Church on the Rise: Why I Am Not a "Purpose-Driven" Pastor. Pastor DeBruyn sensed the urgency for the book in November 2006 when he was teaching in Hungary and suffered a massive coronary. After getting back to the U.S. he decided to make it a priority to examine this subject and tell his congregation why he doesn't identify with the "purpose-driven" philosophy of local church ministry. On this program you will hear discussion about ministry becoming industry, how human knowledge is in conflict with God's Word, the doctrinal vacuum of evangelicalism that's pointing back to medieval mysticism, and more. More Information 317-897-1298 To order the book, Church on the Rise: Why I Am Not a "Purpose-Driven" Pastor, for a donation of $15 to Crosstalk: Crosstalk 3434 West Kilbourn Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53214 1-800-729-9829 M-F 8am-5pm Central